For free stair runner fitting instructions “Click the pics” below
Scroll through the pics below and find the staircase shaped most like yours.
Click that picture for your free stair runner fitting instructions
1. Straight staircase fitted
with gripper & underlay
2. Straight staircase fitted
with stair rods
3. Winding stairs fitted
with stair rods
4. Straight stairs with L shape
fitted on gripper & underlay
5.Straight stairs with u shape
landing fitted with stair rods
6. Straight stairs nude half
landing fitted with stair rods
7. Straight staircase fitted with
gripper & underlay (no border)
8. Straight staircase with wall to wall half landing
9. Wall to wall landing
10. Crossover runner Landing
For gripper and underlay stair runner fitting, the essential tools are:
- Hammer
- Bolster
- Cutting knife such as Stanley
- A pack of brand new blades
- Pencil
- Tape measure
For stair rod stair runner fitting you need the above plus:
- An electric screwdriver (or hand held and a strong wrist!)
- Copydex adhesive
Latest techniques make fitting child’s play
We have made stair runners for 20 years . To keep fresh, we create innovations you simply cant find any where else. For example, if you want to add a landing to your stairrunner, but it turns a corner and you dont want to cut anything, we have a special pre made service where we cut and make any shape in advance. It fits together like a child’s jigsaw. Intrigued? Just email us for details
Prefer to employ a fitter?
If your wondering ” Do they have as stair runner fitter near me” here’s what to do next:
- Email a picture of your stairs and your postal code to
- Julian will email back a quote.
- If your happy, we email your file to the fitter, who books you in at your mutual convenience.
Simple as that!
Stair carpet fitters in most areas.
Our network of stair runner fitters is constantly growing. We have specialists stair runner fitters in Central London and greater London. Most of the South, East and West of England and part of the Midlands.
Here are a few other areas where you can book a stair runner fitter
Stair runner fitter near me by appointment
Wales (Selected areas)
Parts of Devon & Cornwall
If you’re not on this list, still Email to get a price for a stair runner fitter near you
Bought a stair runner elsewhere and need some help – no problem ?
We have a specialist stairrunner fitting and advice service for you, just email us for more details
So if you’re wondering do they have a stair runner fitter near me , the answer is probably – Yes!
Just email:
Our Eco friendly stair runners start at £149 pounds for a whole staircase!
To quietly browse Eco friendly stair runners, go to our gallery.
To have your new stairrunner delivered in under three working days, go to to our online shop.
Or for questions about stairrunner fitting or general inquiries email
To get a free quote in 24 hrs, just email us a phone-pic of your stairs and your preferred range